A pretty funny, well-written and true letter that was printed by the Wall Street Journal by a high school senior who was rejected by the to...

Awesome Letter from a Student to the Schools that Rejected Her
Info Post
A pretty funny, well-written and true letter that was printed by the Wall Street Journal by a high school senior who was rejected by the to...
Most people have been pretty dismissive of the North Korean threats and there is a good chance that it is all just the usual periodic bluste...
As if stealing from retirees, supermarket owners and others to the tune of 60%+ wasn't enough, the IMF is now demanding a 2% of GDP inc...
(h/t Business Insider )
He says there is no way for the Fed to easily unwind it's balance sheet and calls Paul Ryan's budget a disgrace (which I certainly c...
I haven't been paying attention to this case of an abortionist in Philadelphia. Which is probably just as well as I think I want to p...
I might not agree with his policy prescriptions but he certainly diagnoses the problem well enough. This is well worth watching: