Breaking News
Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Info Post
This is just hilarious:

Desperately scrambling to validate Democrat Elizabeth Warren's Native American heritage amid questions about whether she used her minority status to further her career, the Harvard Law professor's campaign last night finally came up with what they claim is a Cherokee connection — her great-great-great-grandmother.

"She would be 1⁄32nd of Elizabeth Warren's total ancestry," noted genealogist Christopher Child said, referring to the candidate's great-great-great-grandmother, O.C. Sarah Smith, who is listed on an Oklahoma marriage certificate as Cherokee. Smith is an ancestor on Warren's mother's side, Child said.

The missing link comes after Warren's embattled campaign faced sharp questions about her Native American background in the wake of Herald stories that showed both Harvard Law School and Warren herself had touted her tribal lineage and claimed she was a member of a minority for years.

Warren's shaken campaign faced another crisis yesterday when it was revealed that beginning in 1986 and continuing through 1995, Warren had listed herself as a minority professor in the Association of American Law Schools desk book, a directory of law professors from participating schools.

Warren had flatly denied that she ever touted her Native American background professionally.


Suzan Shown Harjo, a former executive director of the National Congress of American Indians, expressed outrage yesterday after learning that Warren had identified herself as a Native American on law school records without documentation.

"If you believe you are these things then that's fine and dandy, but that doesn't give you the right to claim yourself as Native American," said Harjo, who said Warren might have taken a job another Native American could have received.

So based on the Elizabeth Warren standard of creative box-checking, I move that my Israeli wife start checking the Asian box, as it's pretty clear that Israel is in Asia.  Also, I think an argument can be made for us to start checking the African-American box as well.  It has been documented (in the Torah) that our people did reside in Africa for a time about 3,500 years ago.  Also, based on the "out of Africa" theory, we're all Africans anyhow.   I'm starting to like affirmative action much more...


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