Breaking News
Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Info Post
Seriously, what is wrong with these people?  Romney hires John Bolton's ex-spokesperson, Richard Grenell, to be his spokesperson and then social conservatives have a hissy fit because he is gay and a proponent of gay rights (which is kind of understandable right, if I was gay I don't think I would be a proponent of gay second class citizenship).   So now with Obama on the ropes and having to defend his sleezy comments on Osama, we get this story of outright idiotic discrimination.  It's not like Grenell wasn't qualified, having been the spokesperson for conservatives' favorite Secretary of State candidate.  What does being gay or supporting gay rights have to do with nuclear weapons in Iran? 

What's also disappointing is how, once again, Romney shows he has no core.   As Jennifer Rubin reported, Romney did almost nothing to defend Grenell.:

During the two weeks after Grenell's hiring was announced the Romney campaign did not put Grenell out to comment on national security matters and did not use him on a press foreign policy conference call. Despite the controversy in new media and in conservative circles, there was no public statement of support for Grenell by the campaign and no supportive social conservatives were enlisted to calm the waters.

I guess if you stand in front of Romney's ambitions he will throw you under the bus and won't even think about defending you (that would require a backbone and strength of conviction, which Romney's record shows he doesn't have).  Isn't that the type of thinking we are trying to get OUT of the White House?


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