Breaking News
Thursday, 26 April 2012

Info Post
Dick Lugar, Obama's favorite GOP Senator, is in a fight for his political life right now in Indiana.  He is trailing his opponent, principled conservative Richard Mourdock, by 5 points with just 12 days to go in the race.  I've heard Richard Mourdock speak before and I have to say he is a top quality candidate.  He has already won statewide office in Indiana, serving as its State Treasurer since 2006 and also spearheaded the fight against what Obama did to Chrysler bondholders (see the video below):
So here we have a promising, principled, high quality conservative about to defeat an 81 year old moderate (Bill Kristol referred to him as an "elderly RINO") and what does the establishment do? Guess. Young Guns, a PAC started by senior staffers of Eric Cantor, the House Majority Leader, just gave over $100k to Dick Lugar in order to defeat his primary challenger. I would understand if, instead of Mourdock, the challenger was Christine O'Donnell. But I don't understand this. Hopefully this was just an idiotic mistake but given how the establishment systematically assaulted all conservative challengers to Mitt Romney, I'm not so sure. My decision to vote for Gary Johnson for President, instead of just accepting whatever drek the establishment decides to back, feels good already.


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