More government by waiver. The WARN Act requires companies with 100 or more employees to provide at least 60 days warning before a mass lay...
The West Wing on Why We Shouldn't Single Out the Wealthy for Tax Increases
Josh Barro had a great quote from West Wing in his latest piece on Obama's recent anti-business rant: The president's speech call...
Romney vs. Obama at the Western Wall
I continue to be struck by Romney's apparent sincerity while visiting Jerusalem, he has done quite a few things that he really didn'...
Romney Infuriates Palestinians for Pointing Out What is Behind Israel Having a Higher GDP per Capita than Palestinian areas
Anybody who pisses off the Palestinians can certainly get my vote. Anyway, here is what Romney said: "As you come here and you see ...
Mitt Romney's Great Speech from Jerusalem
Mitt Romney just gave a great speech from Jerusalem. I liked the fact that he can answer the "what's the capital of Israel" ...
Palestinians: It's Racist to Have a Moment of Silence to Commemorate Murdered Israeli Athletes But Its Not Racist to Murder Them
Jibril Rajoub, President of the Palestinian Olympic Committee, sent a letter to the President of the International Olympic Committee, Jacqu...
"You will always spend your money better than the government"
A great speech by Dan Bongino, candidate for Senate in Maryland (h/t Legal Insurrection ):
White House Spokesman Refuses To Answer a Simple Question: What is the Capital of Israel?
This really gives Jews the warm and fuzzies:
Contrasting a Great Scott Brown Ad with a Lame Obama Ad
Check out this great Scott Brown ad which shows that Obama and Elizabeth Warren are actually to the left of most of the Democratic President...
Israeli Hackers Have a Sense of Humor In Latest Attack on Iran
A computer security expert at F-secure was emailed this from a scientist working at the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI): I am wr...
Egyptian Actor Strikes TV Hostess When Told He is on Israeli TV
This is from an Egyptian version of candid camera where they fool an Egyptian actor into thinking he is on Israeli TV. He not only strikes ...
Is China the Next Japan?
Also Sprach Analyst has a nice analysis of China's demographic problems which can probably be summarized best by this comparison with J...
Awesome Time Lapse Video of the View from the International Space Station at Night
(h/t Gizmodo )
Keynesian Economics in One Lesson
(h/t ZeroHedge )
Another Sign of American Decline: Adjusted for Inflation, the S&P 500 is unchanged for 14 Years
I have to say, I really love the FRED database, it really lets you play around with so many numbers in such an easy and quick way. The othe...
Great Peter Thiel (founder of Paypal) vs. Eric Schmidt (Chair of Google) Debate
You can read the whole transcript here but here are some key excerpts, all from Peter Thiel who I generally agree with: PETER THIEL: You ...
"Did somebody else take out the loan on my father’s house to finance the equipment?"
A great and effective Romney ad (h/t Powerline ):
Obama is a Villain from Atlas Shrugged
And I thought all the villains in Atlas Shrugged were just exaggerated caricatures. Guess not. First, here is James Taggart from Atlas Shr...
Gary Shilling: We are in or within 3 months of a recession
In the history of the retail sales figures, when they have gone down for 3 months in a row, as they just did, you are in or within 3 months ...
Great Essay on the Wrongness of Obama's Words About Business Owners
Obama seriously has no clue about what it means to have your own business. Below is a key excerpt, read the whole thing here : All I had ...
Once again, Arab/Muslim terrorists target that nexus of evil, the Israeli tourist on vacation
This time the targets were simply on tourist buses in Bulgaria , harming nobody and just looking for some time off. I saw a report on Twitt...
A Jew Who Views Holocaust Survivors as Villains
It seems that the most disgraceful piece of anti-semitism (as John Podhoretz referred to it as) was published by a Jewish girl from Brookly...
Great Romney Speech in Defense of Free Markets and Individual Achievement
Romney gave a great speech in defense of free markets and individual achievement in Pennsylvania. Watch it here . Here are some key quotes:...
Greece Hasn't Really Implemented Spending Austerity And Are Now Saying They Won't Ever Implement It
I know that a lot of people, especially fans of big government spending, are blaming much of Greece's problems on "austerity"....
I Wish This President Would Learn How To Be an American
John Sununu seems to be in a little hot water right now because he said on a Romney campaign conference call with reporters " I wish th...
Visual Proof of Obama's Dishonesty of the Wealthy's "Fair Share"
It seems like an Obama speech doesn't go by where he doesn't talk about making the wealthy pay their "fair share" of taxes...
Obama's Messed Up View of Private Enterprise
Obama recently made these stunning statements at a campaign event in Roanoke, VA: If you've been successful, you didn't get there...
Just Say No to Condi Rice for VP
I realize that Condi Rice has some great qualities and in many ways she would add to the Romney campaign, at least politically. She is abso...
The Very Best Part of th Roger Waters Show I Saw
Why Comfortably Numb of course:
Obama Wants to Discriminate Against Men in Access to Advanced Science & Engineering Programs in Public Schools and Colleges
Last month marked the 40th anniversary of Title IX , which had a goal of combating sexual discrimination in colleges, though in many program...
Obama's Tax Plan Actually Increases Taxes on Everyone
Yesterday, Obama gave yet another version of his class warfare speech , trying to paint the GOP as the party of the rich, while he is actual...
China Gives Obama and Hillary the Middle Finger
It's been pretty clear that the sanctions against Iran have been a sham , thanks in part to the ability of Hillary Clinton to give count...
The State Department Will Do Anything to Not Admit Jerusalem is in Israel
They have now resorted to not even listing cities that the Secretary of State will visit and simply not verbally mentioning the city at all....
Visual Proof of Obama's Failure to Tackle Unemployment
Another month, another time the Obama administration wants you to "not to read too much into any one monthly report" . The worst ...
Federal Debt is Masking Major Problems with Our Economy
I noticed something that seems pretty disturbing. If you look at how much our government is adding to the debt every year and compare it to...
Europe Just Can't Seem to Unscrew Itself
While it has only been a week since the latest "bailout" announcement, it actually feels much longer. In fact, the way bond marke...
Nigel Farage: The 19th Euro Summit was like the 19th Nervous Breakdown
He also tells the EU heads not to go away on their yachts for the summer as the markets will make sure they'll all be back working in Au...
The Italian Economy Seems to Be On the Road to Be Like the Greece's
Check out the latest data from the ANFIA , the Italian Automobile Association, on new car registrations from January-June: As you can see, n...
I think people have started to realize the latest Euro bailout is just smoke and mirrors
It appears that Euro Bailout v. 26 is starting to fail. The yield on the Spanish 10 year is up about 20 bps off its intraday low, as are t...