(h/t lucianne.com )

(h/t lucianne.com )
(h/t snicker snack, baby! )
Here is an interesting article in Foreign Policy magazine on how the US Military views a potential Israeli strike. What's interesting ...
To add insult to Obama's refusal to meet with Netanyahu in New York, it appears that Susan Rice boycotted Netanyahu's speech. Als...
Friggin hilarious and a bit scary:
Seriously, this is a must see:
After listening to Bibi's speech at the UN General Assembly, I can't help but have the sense that he just backed down and now Iran i...
Last night, I broke the Yom Kippur fast after shul at a friend's house in New Jersey. Of course, given it's election season, the di...
This is practically a parody. An Egyptian woman is trying to deface the Support Israel - Defeat Jihad ads in the NY Subway. A passerby sta...
No, it has nothing to do with a trailer on YouTube: Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy
Mass protests are currently scheduled by the Muslim Brotherhood for October 10 for Jordan, which is estimated to be 70% Palestinian and co...
Apparently the new nutrition standards, championed by Michelle Obama in school lunches are leaving many kids hungry because of calorie maxi...
Philippe Reines , who has been a senior aide to Hillary for a while, seems to need to take some Xanax or something. Check out this email e...
The National Federation of Independent Business regularly asks small business owners what the most important problem they face is. Since Ob...
Here's a great interview with Thomas Sowell, who talks about the election (h/t Powerline ):
I always thought this was a stupid issue and in many ways it was a trap. The Democrats worked themselves into a tizzy saying that Romney is...
I wonder if Obama has promised greater US participation in a EU bailout if they don't release their troika report before the election. ...
According to this chart of global manufacturing from Markit , Europe and China are already in recession and the US is at the same point it w...
The ad finished by saying "The World Needs American Strength, Not Apologies":
Tim Kane from the Hudson Institute has a very interesting paper which suggests that the reason we have had such a prolonged weakness in the...
The real median household income data from the Census Bureau can be sliced and diced several ways. One of the interesting ones is where th...
Pat Buchanan was on Greta last night and made some excellent points with his usual rhetorical flourish. Like with Ron Paul, I really prefer...
I know some people are trying to get upset by Romney's comments about the 47%, but he was right. 47% of the people in this country pay ...
Maybe Romney was actually a closet Conservative when he was in Massachusetts. Anyway check out his comments at a private fundraiser:
Here is a pretty interesting paper that talks about some of the reasons why quantitative easing doesn't seem to be working. It also po...
Once again, this administration has been caught practicing Orwellian newspeak. Hillary Clinton said that the Libyans "rushed" Am...
It looks like our Ambassador to Libya died because of criminal negligence by the Obama administration. Benghazi diplomatic missions had bee...
She touches on all the news of the day and calls upon Obama to cancel his meetings with Beyonce, Jay-Z and Letterman so he'll have time ...
Jihad once again rears its ugly head in the United States: FBI agents have arrested a man they say planned to set off a car bomb outside a ...
From American Crossroads:
The following cartoons also caused mass riots which left an estimated 100 people dead. Obviously, the rioters aren't what objective obs...
While thinking some more on Bernanke's decision that we need more quantitative easing and that he would achieve this easing by purchasin...
Here are some excerpts from a great and revealing interview in the Times of Israel : Q: Is Israel incapable of having a substantive impac...
A spot-on article from the man who prosecuted the World Trade Center bombing: The coordinated violence against American installations in ...
Real median household income is now down to 1996 levels. Here is a long term chart: Does anyone really want another 4 years of this?
This fiasco just keeps getting worse all the time. How exactly did they leave a consulate unprotected by Marines after receiving 48 hour...
I realize that the goal of QE3 is actually to help the consumer but judging by the failure of the $600 billion QE2 and the detrimental impa...
More criminal negligence coming from the Obama administration. It seems that the US Ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson d id not allow the U...
As Sarah Palin said recently, he needs to grow a bigger stick : In response to the attack in Cairo, diplomats there condemned not the at...
This is just unbelievable, but there were no Marines assigned to guard our Benghazi consulate, the site of the murder of 4 Americans, includ...
Great stuff, as always, coming from Caroline Glick : On June 4 the White House confirmed that the US had killed Abu Yahya Al-Libi - OBL...
Here is the statement by Obama on the murder of our Ambassador and other embassy personnel: I strongly condemn the outrageous attack o...
As she deserves : QUESTION: This issue has prompted another criticism or more remarks from the Israeli Prime Minister today, and he's...
Here is the famous quote from Francis in the movie Stripes : Psycho : The name's Francis Soyer, but everybody calls me Psycho. Any o...
This is quite shocking: Libyan officials quoted by Reuters and AP said the ambassador was heading for a safer venue with three other offic...