Rand Paul had recently introduced the 4th Amendment Preservation and Protection Act , which essentially just reiterated our 4th Amendment p...

Rand Paul had recently introduced the 4th Amendment Preservation and Protection Act , which essentially just reiterated our 4th Amendment p...
Another entertaining rant from Rick Santelli:
Check out a rather worrisome piece by Hugh White , the former Deputy Secretary for Strategy and Intelligence in the Australian Department o...
Watch Maria Bartiromo from CNBC lay into Senator Cardin for being unwilling to bend on raising tax rates on the rich to cheers from the trad...
Some people think John Kerry would be an improvement over Susan Rice, his Latin American record indicates he would be a disaster : Mr. Ker...
It looks like there is one thing that most politicians from both parties can agree on, that civil liberties should be ignored when they are ...
A lot of Republicans, especially those who were in the tank for Romney since the beginning of the primaries, have been accusing conservativ...
Karl Denninger has written an epic editorial on the hypocrisy of Obama and Bloomberg on gun control. Here are some key segments but read th...
From the ever wise Andy Kessler : In a "beatings will continue until morale improves" announcement, the Federal Open Market Comm...
In reaction to my previous post on international gun ownership rates and homicide rates, one of my liberal friends pointed me to a study t...
A few years ago, Professor Carlisle Moody of the College of William & Mary wrote a paper on homicide and gun ownership that showed that...
It's amazing that its just been 6 weeks since the election and the actions that Obama has taken against the Jewish State. Just today th...
The CDC has a fascinating site which gives you cause of death statistics for 2010 and it really points out that maniacs with assault weapon...
I was recently having a discussion on Facebook with a friend of mine from college about something I posted about how Israel has fewer school...
After the stunningly horrific tragedy in Newtown, CT people have naturally gone from grief to wanting to figure out how to stop these kinds ...
An awesome video featuring Marc Faber (h/t ZeroHedge ):
The folks at the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ), a legitimate medical publication, have published a pretty funny article on wh...
A great cartoon from Michael Ramirez :
ZeroHedge has this great chart of the cumulative deficits as a % of GDP for the OECD from 2008-2012. Maybe Obama should cut back on those ...
A very graphic reminder of the fact that the Free Syrian Army aren't necessarily people we want to be supporting (h/t Israel Matzav ):
Check out this chart of the RENIXX Renewable Energy Index (h/t Business Insider ). It peaked at 1918.71 in December 2007 and closed last we...
How bad are things in the Republican Party these days? William Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard berated the Wall Street Journal edit...
This is rather shocking. What people don't ever seem to realize is that this $61,000 that we are spending every year on the poor has t...
PPP just came out with a poll about the different contenders for the major party nominations in 2016. Ryan and Rubio are the two candidate...
Last night, Congressman Justin Amash, who was purged by the GOP leadership in the House from his Budget Committee position tweeted the follo...
On Lou Dobbs:
Newt makes the point that Clinton only started negotiating with them in good faith after they shut down the government twice, because he kne...
This is the one where he says to the EU President, to his face, that he has the charisma of "a damp rag" and that he comes from ...
Here is a great quote from Milton Friedman: I do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. Th...
The establishment is looking to purge conservatives and the Tea Party from the GOP. Check out this op-ed from the former research director...
Here is a very informative infographic (click to enlarge). We spend more than the rest of the civilized world on every student in our syste...