Today, the Senate voted on legislation introduced by Senator Rand Paul that would have prohibited the sale of M1 tanks, F-16 fighter jets an...

Today, the Senate voted on legislation introduced by Senator Rand Paul that would have prohibited the sale of M1 tanks, F-16 fighter jets an...
David Kelly and David Liebovitz wrote a very interesting article in Morningstar on how our zero interest rate policy is actually doing much...
There really doesn't seem to be much of a functional difference between the Egyptian government and Neo-Nazis. Both seem to have a viru...
Read this great piece in Foreign Policy on how many are getting the Muslim Brotherhood completely wrong: Long before the Jan. 25 revoluti...
Can't really argue with that. Enough of these people who don't stand for anything:
Such a shockingly anti-semitic cartoon. Notice how Bibi has an especially hooked nose, a stooped frame and scheming eyes as he uses the blo...
This is great news, if it's true. When I first saw the report in WorldNet Daily , I was highly suspicious but now it looks like the Ti...
David Mamet writes a supremely logical piece on gun control and the role of government. Here are some excerpts, read the whole thing : It i...
A great and entertaining speech on some very serious subjects. It's well worth a listen. One of the points that sticks in my head is t...
Looks like the Israel trip did him some good and he is NOTHING like his father:
In today's Senate confirmation hearing, Rand Paul asked John Kerry about Morsi's vile, vicious anti-semitic comments (he said Jews w...
Unbelievably, the Egyptian President alluded to a Jewish-controlled media at a meeting with United States Senators. Senator Coons from Del...
A must watch video. Essentially Senator Rand Paul tells Hillary that if she had done her job, the 4 Americans, including Ambassador Stevens...
It's unbelievable what's going on, though you can see why the bus drivers have decided to leave kids, even disabled kids, stranded, ...
Andrew Bostom has an epic post on Morsi's (and Islam's) long history of vicious anti-semitism. It's a must read, here are some...
I knew Bibi's decision to call for elections 9 months earlier than scheduled would bite him in the ass, a subject I posted on back in Oc...
Netanyahu lays it out in terms anyone can understand. If he agrees to divide Jerusalem and return to the 1949 lines, there will be a genoc...
It's just amazing how just about every word in the English language is becoming a code word for something amorphously racist when used t...
Remember when unions were about making sure basic humanitarian conditions existed in the workplace? Well, now they are about having GUARANT...