This time Ron Fournier at the National Journal: I had angered the White House, particularly a senior White House official who I am unab...
The White House just tried to bully Bob Woodward saying "you will regret this". His crime? Criticizing them on the sequester? H...
ZeroHedge posted a couple of interesting charts on the long term decline of Italy and France. They essentially showed how real 7 year GDP ...
I'm not terribly shocked that the Senate voted to end debate on the Hagel nomination given the Democratic majority (where even pro-Israe...
Just a horrible list (via Breitbart). Pray for Israel if Hagel becomes Secretary of Defense: 1. U.S. troops should be deployed to Israel...
Check out this recommendation from a Foundation for Middle East Peace report co-signed by Chuck Hagel back in 2009, a report addressed to t...
Check out this graph that I came up with using the White House's historical budget tables and nominal GDP data from FRED : As you can s...
Just yesterday, I wrote that if new elections were called in Israel if Bibi was unable to form a government that Likud voters who went with...
Seriously, it's like Bizarro world. Tzipi Livni, who would criticize Bibi Netanyahu for just about every action under the sun, has beco...
One more step towards the futuristic dystopian nightmare of your choice. I'm not saying I begrudge the military weapons that will save ...
The hits keep on coming from Obama's Secretary of Defense nominee. Besides saying he is "qualified" has the White House actua...
I always thought electric cars are supposed to be "plug in and go", but based on what happened to this New York Times reviewer (wh...
According to a contemporaneous account that was posted on the website by a Hagel supporter in 2007, Hagel said that the State Department wa...
A disturbing article from Lee Smith in Table Magazine: If North Korea has the bomb, then for all practical purposes Iran does, too. If t...
Ron Fournier at the National Journal wrote an interesting piece on how Republican and Democratic insiders are worries about the end of the ...
I'll of course go with Milton Friedman on this one:
I've kind of been ignoring this story for a bit, at first I actually thought that a Mossad spy died in an Australian prison. But now ...
Supporters of wishy washy Republican candidates like Mitt Romney and John McCain like to mention the Buckley Rule which states that we need ...
A great State of the Union response from Rand Paul:
Some people are making a big deal about tonight's speeches by Rand Paul and Marco Rubio as if it's some great sign of a civil war in...
In case you haven't seen it already, check out Dr. Ben Carson's speech at the National Prayer Breakfast last week. It's very in...
Gun control advocates want to take away the guns of ordinary citizens and make them 100% dependent on the police for protection. Based on w...
According to this , insurance will be more expensive and less people will be covered than thought. I'll try to withhold by shock: T...