Breaking News
Thursday, 14 February 2013

Info Post
According to a contemporaneous account that was posted on the website by a Hagel supporter in 2007, Hagel said that the State Department was an adjunct to the Israeli Foreign Minister's Office at a speech at Rutgers that was sponsored by the Middle Eastern Studies Department and the American Iranian Council.  Can you imagine someone so anti-semitic and anti-Israel as Secretary of Defense while Israel faces an existential threat?  What's more shocking is that some supposedly pro-Israel politicians like Chuck Schumer actually are voting to approve his nomination.  And you would think that if Obama was telling the truth about being pro-Israel that he would have pulled the nomination by now (or never have made it in the first place!).  Anyway, here is what Hagel supporter George Ajjan wrote in 2007 (h/t Legal Insurrection):

6) The State Department has become adjunct to the Israeli Foreign Minister's office...

Wow. A very bold statement by Hagel bound to further raise the ire of the "Jewish Lobby" (yawn...), but it does express his strong belief in a comprehensive solution to problems in the Middle East. Hagel mentioned this theme several times - comprehensive, he said, in the sense that all tools should be used to achieve American foreign policy objectives (diplomatic, political, economic, and military), but also comprehensive in the James Baker sense of addressing the Arab-Israeli conflict holistically as both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush have proved too lazy and too incompetent to do.


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