George W. and Laura Bush had their White House portraits unveiled today and I have to say it was an amazingly civil affair. Obama thanked W...

George W. and Laura Bush had their White House portraits unveiled today and I have to say it was an amazingly civil affair. Obama thanked W...
If you haven't seen this already, check out this hilarious post which interjects the Eurobond into famous lines from Lord of the Rings....
A great one from John Hussman on the prospect of Eurobonds and fiscal union to save Europe out of its current mess: This is like 9 broke ...
Former Democratic Congressman Arthur Davis, a former member of the Congressional Black Caucus and an early supporter of Obama's has just...
With the latest monthly unemployment numbers coming out this Friday, I decided to take a look at what we've seen so far. It struck me t...
The racism within the Arab world, even within what some people would call "moderate" elements is astounding. Two Israeli women we...
The former Chief Economist of the IMF , Simon Johnson, is anything but bullish, expecting a complete collapse of the Euro system. Be sure t...
There is another virus, called Flame , which is 20 times more complex than Stuxnet that is infecting computers in the middle east. It can t...
Recently, there was quite a bit of talk of how "moderate" Islamist Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh was uniting both liberals and ultr...
Looks like the IAEA found evidence of 27% enriched uranium in an underground bunker. My question is how enriched is the uranium that they ...
This is such a great song. I haven't listened to it in awhile but when I heard it today I remembered how great it is. I can't beli...
The second round of talks with Iran are now finished . The only business that seems to have been concluded is that another round of talks h...
Marc Thiessen thinks that Obama's horrible public equity record dwarfs any dirt he can dig up on Bain. Obama was using taxpayer dollar...
Newark, which is constantly in one financial crisis or another, has a shrinking student population but because of union rules, can't lay...
A really cool video, especially made for us history buffs (h/t Zerohedge ):
Here is the text of the complaint against the Obama administration for forcing religious groups to provide abortion inducing drugs and con...
The folks at Debka (they are wrong half the time but usually not when they have such detail) say that Obama and Iran are close to a deal, w...
I think I've heard The Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) mentioned before but I honestly never paid attention, it just sounded like some bur...
Seriously?!? . At this point we should abolish the TSA and start over. Besides being focused on procedure rather than on actually catching...
Someone who actually knows something about Cherokee history calls Elizabeth Warren's bluff . I've excerpted it below but be sure to...
No wonder our schools are failing as a nation: The Board of Education has decided to lower the passing grade on the writing portion of ...
It's no surprise that Europe is doing badly, but I don't think most people really understand how badly Europe, especially the wester...
Unbelievable. Florida's Division of Elections has found 2,600 people (so far) who may not be citizens on the voter rolls and are goin...
Here are a couple of excerpts from Mark Steyn's Foreword to Geert Wilders book Marked For Death, Islam's War Against the West and Me...
After graduating from college, I spent a couple of years working in Marin County, just north of San Francisco. The people who populate that...
A Romney donor is having his personal divorce records snooped into just because he gave money to a Romney SuperPAC. It's amazing how th...
It's going to be a hot summer : Iran is accelerating its nuclear weapons program, according to a report compiled by the Mujahedin-e Kha...
Rand Paul rails against the Ex-Im Bank, a crony capitalist institution that generally has bipartisan support (as someone once said, there is...
MEP Nigel Farage at his very best: (h/t Zerohedge )
Good thing Osama didn't go anywhere while the committees inside the White House decided what to do: “We actually had the target the sum...
(h/t instapundit )
It sounds like Rand Paul is starting to make inroads with social conservatives and is more willing to make alliances than his father. He ...