Over the last almost 50 years, two economic indicators, have done a great job predicting the vote share of incumbents in Presidential electi...
America is Now Even Closer to Fiscal Doom
Today is just an awful day. If Bush-appointed Justice Roberts had only voted with the rest of the conservatives, we would have been rid of ...

DC Students Cost Taxpayers over $27,000 per Pupil Yet Are Usually Ranked the Worst
I was a bit shocked when I first heard (from this Cato post) about how much DC students cost taxpayers on a per pupil basis. According to ...

Some Useful Definitions to Understand Our Modern Progressive World
From Cliff Asness of the hedge fund, AQR (h/t ZeroHedge ): Failed Policies of the Past Definition: Limited government, free markets, perso...

The Looming State Pension Disaster
A great piece from Walter Russell Mead on how lax accounting, underfunded promises and the need to reach for yield will likely doom many s...

State Department Violates Law, Doesn't Seem to Find Anything Wrong With That
Last week, Eli Lake , broke the story that the State Department issued a visa to a known member of an Egyptian terrorist organization, in vi...

Japan Set to Double Sales Tax to 10% and Set to Have Several More Lost Decades
The lost decade of the 1990's in Japan turned into a lost two decades as the 2000's were little better, and unfortunately, it looks ...

A Simple Solution for the Euro
Arnold Kling of EconLog write a nice succinct post on what it will take to solve the Euro crisis: The crisis will end only when the liabi...

Looks like Egypt Just Elected Hitler
Here is footage of the new Egyptian President saying that he wants Jerusalem to be his capital. I can just imagine what he would want to do...

Another Great Example of Why Europe is Screwed
The European Court of Justice just ruled that if you get sick during your vacation, that you are entitled to another one: Entitlement to ...

The Toothless Iran Oil Embargo
It's amazing how unserious the Obama administration is in trying to put pressure on the Iranians. They've spent years in futile neg...

The New Greek Government is Hardly an Improvement over the Old One
The new government in Greece, which is a coalition of the New Democracy, PASOK and Democratic Left parties seems to be just as boneheaded as...

Some Quick Thoughts on the VP Contenders
After yesterday's kerfuffle regarding Rubio's status on the short list of VP contenders, I thought it was time to put some thoughts ...

Nigel Farage Thinks the Head of the EC is a Deluded Communist Idiot
Another great one from Nigel Farage, this time commenting on the EC President's statement that the US is to blame for Europe's ills ...

Great, Though Dark, Whittaker Chambers Quote
I've finally gotten around to reading the Whittaker Chambers classic Witness , which is about his time as a Communist and his conversion...

Shocker: Iran Talks Fail
Okay, it's not THAT shocking, at least not to anyone with half a brain (which excludes the Obama administration, I guess). After months...

Jon Stewart Interviews the Drachma

Biderman: Germany Has to Say No
A great little rant on my Germany needs to stop providing any funding to Spain, Italy and Greece (h/t ZeroHedge ):

We Need to Support the Egyptian Military Takeover of Egypt
Once again, I find myself turning my back on the neocon label I put on myself (I did so last week as well). The Egyptian military recently...

Over 38% of the Greek Vote Went to Communist & Fascist Parties
While some people (though clearly not the markets), seem to be relieved by the results of the Greek vote this weekend in which the "con...

State and Local budgets grow at 3 times the rate of the private sector and Obama thinks we need to give more to State and Local government spending?
A stunning chart from the Mercatus Center comparing the growth of State and Local government spending and comparing it to the private secto...

Obama's Third World Roots Are Showing, He's Decided to Rule by Decree
Obama, in a desire to get more Latino votes, has decided to effectively grant amnesty to 800,000 illegal immigrants and even give them work ...

The EEOC Doesn't Want You to Discriminate Against the Stupid In Your Hiring
C. Boyden Gray, former White House counsel, pointed out a memo that the EEOC wrote recently that said that high school diploma requirements...

It's In Our Interest to Stay Out of Syria
You're probably surprised to read that title for a post in a blog with the word "neocon" in it. But that doesn't change t...
Under Obama, New Bank Formation Has Dwindled to Nothing
While listening to the Jamie Dimon testimony before the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee today, I was struck by a commen...

Thomas Sowell: Obama is a Fascist Not a Socialist
He's probably right : It bothers me a little when conservatives call Barack Obama a "socialist." He certainly is an enemy of...

Mitt Romney for President
Mitt Romney was definitely not my first choice for GOP nominee. In fact, I believe I would have preferred Tim Pawlenty, Michelle Bachmann, ...