Breaking News
Friday, 22 June 2012

Info Post
It's amazing how unserious the Obama administration is in trying to put pressure on the Iranians.  They've spent years in futile negotiations with that murderous and dishonest regime and now are declawing oil sanctions by granting waivers to all the major countries who import oil from Iran.  So far they have granted waivers to Japan, South Korea and India and now seem to be hinting at a waiver for China.  Check out Hillary Clinton's comments on the Charlie Rose show:

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, absent some action by Iran between now and July 1st, the oil embargo is going into effect. And that's been very clear from the beginning, that we were on this track. I have to certify under American laws whether or not countries are reducing their purchases of crude oil from Iran, and I was able to certify that India was, Japan was, South Korea was. And we think, based on the latest data, that China is also moving in that direction.

What latest data?  The 39% jump in oil imports in May compared to April?  Sure, China had reduced oil imports earlier this year but that was because of a commercial dispute between the China International United Petroleum & Chemical Company and the Iranian National Oil Company and has absolutely nothing to do with the embargo and therefore is not indicative of how much China will import going forward. The dispute is now resolved, hence the reason for the huge monthly jump.  On a year over year basis, China only decreased imports from Iran in May by 2.2% which could easily just be due to a slowing economy, is that what Clinton means by "moving in that direction"? 

This administration has been nothing but dishonest in their dealings with Iran, pretending to be acting decisively but, in fact, doing almost nothing to stop them.  It seriously seems like their only real goal was to delay Israel acting against Iran.  In that, unfortunately, they have been outrageously successful so far. 


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