There's a rule of thumb that if an incumbent is polling under 50%, that they are in deep trouble, as many of the undecideds tend to brea...

There's a rule of thumb that if an incumbent is polling under 50%, that they are in deep trouble, as many of the undecideds tend to brea...
Do we really want to give a second term to the second coming of Neville Chamberlain?: Soon after he took office, President Barack Obama b...
He really tries to evade a very direct question from this reporter on whether Americans were denied help in Benghazi. He tries the whole ...
Officially, the definition of a recession is a time when you have two consecutive quarters of negative real GDP growth. Based on that defin...
Stuff like this must be really disheartening for the families of the 4 dead Americans and those who still have loved ones in uniform, not ...
The father of Tyrone Woods, who died on 9/11 in Benghazi seems to see through both Obama and Hillary (h/t Weekly Standard ): “When [Obama] c...
A great piece by Walter Russell Mead: American liberalism today is in an advanced stage of intellectual decline. Cynical and short sigh...
Just awesome: (h/t Legal Insurrection )
I know that Obama really reslished his "bayonets and horses" line from last night's debate in answer to Romney's proposal ...
I thought Romney acted brilliantly last night. If he attacked Obama too much for his policies, he would have looked rather un-Presidential ...
On the eve of the final Presidential debate, I thought I'd take a look at what happened after the previous debates during this general e...
The Obama-supported Egyptian President can be seen here praying for the destruction of the Jews and their allies. Tell me how this (which ...
Here is a great piece by Peggy Noonan on the debates. It explains why even in debate victory, Obama isn't seeing much of a bounce, unl...
Here is Romney's hilarious speech at the Alfred E. Smith dinner:
This just makes you sick. From Caroline Glick : November 5, the day before the US Presidential elections will be the third anniversary ...
Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis (a marauding methodist for sure) just tried to blow up the Federal Reserve Bank of New York with 1,000 ...
How else do you explain this? "Barack doesn't have a big ego"? I think even the west wing of the White House broke out into ...
One of the best parts of the debate last night:
A great video by a self-made Hungarian immigrant on why he is voting Republican. Under socialism the rich get poorer and the poorer get poo...
This is just amazing : “The flag is a symbol — an old ironworker’s custom — which is hung if the job went well,” said Rukavina, who said he...
I knew that earlier in the season when I was seeing 5-6%+ polling numbers for Gary Johnson that they just wouldn't hold up as the electi...
I know I might be jumping the gun on this but I was just thinking about 2016 and what might happen there. I know a lot of Republicans are t...
Here is a story about how Mitt Romney helped a family back in 1995 whose kids were in a horrible car crash. Note that this all happened bef...
It seems this administration doesn't think it's serious if Iran crosses Netanyahu's red line and is essentially blowing off Isr...
As I posted yesterday, I was worried about Ryan going into the debate and it was justified. Unlike Biden, who has run for President twice ...
I know that there are several things working in Paul Ryan's favor tonight, he's young, very bright, very articulate and really seems...
Wait, wasn't the Muslim Brotherhood supposed to be "moderate" and "non-violent" as the Obama administration claims? ...
Looks like the pressure from David Axelrod worked. Check out the latest from Jay Cost : Since about the beginning of President Obama'...
I finally got around to seeing CBS reporter Lara Logan's speech at the BGA and it's even more impressive than billed. She has spent...
A great one (h/t Business Insider ): By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an importa...
I know that Big Bird isn't involved with this but maybe Obama should start talking about this . He should at least pretend to care abou...
It looks like the folks at Sesame Workshop don't appreciate the Obama campaigns use of Big Bird in an unprofessional political ad . It...
Hopefully this kind of thinking is the beginning of a trend: The questions now are: What was the real cost of these wars to the Arab w...
Some interesting insights from economist John Taylor : Another view is that the increase in part-time employment is directly due to the ...
(h/t Powerline )
From the ever-brilliant Matt Ridley : As this illustrates, the most striking benefits are environmental. The report calculates that a cum...
I was very impressed with Romney's foreign policy speech today, he looked and spoke like how I think American Presidents should speak....