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Monday, 15 October 2012

Info Post
I knew that earlier in the season when I was seeing 5-6%+ polling numbers for Gary Johnson that they just wouldn't hold up as the election neared and most Libertarians who believed in small government would end up voting for Romney (my guess is that Johnson will end up with 0.5-1% of the vote).  I had initially endorsed Gary Johnson but the more I thought about it the more I couldn't bring myself not to vote for the candidate with the best chance of defeating Obama.  Recently, Wayne Allyn Root, who was the Libertarian Nominee for VP in 2008 endorsed Romney and now Christopher Barron, a Johnson elector, has done the same:

The next president will oversee whether or not we extend the Bush-era tax cuts or, instead, raise taxes on millions of American families and small businesses. The next President will decide whether we balance our budget by shrinking government and reforming entitlements, orwe balance the budget on the backs of America's job creators.

The next president will likely nominate two or more Justices to the Supreme Court. The next president will be charged with either implementing Obama's federal healthcare takeover or fighting to end it.

In short, at least for me, the stakes are simply too high to not be a part of picking whether it is Barack Obama or Mitt Romney who will make these critical decisions; and on each one of these issues, Mitt Romney is light years better than Barack Obama.

While Barack Obama wants to raise taxes on millions of Americans, Mitt Romney is pledging to fight any tax increase and lower taxes on hard-working American families and businesses.

While Barack Obama will fight to maintain the status quo when it comes to entitlements, all but guaranteeing their insolvency for future generations, Mitt Romney will work to reform them.

While Barack Obama will seek to tax our way out of our $16 trillion fiscal crisis, Mitt Romney will seek to cut spending and decrease the size of the federal government.

While Barack Obama will continue to nominate Supreme Court Justices who see no limits to the power of the federal government, Mitt Romney has pledged to nominate Justices who strictly follow the Constitution and put limits on the power of Washington to control our lives.

While Barack Obama will work to fully implement and complete his federal takeover of the healthcare system, Mitt Romney has pledged to repeal Obamacare and replace it with free market healthcare reforms that will expand access and lower costs across the system.

When it comes to other issues of importance to libertarians – like civil liberties, ending nation-building, and the failed war on drugs – there isn't an ounce of difference between the two candidates.

For libertarians who want to have a say in electing the next President the choice is clear. Where there are differences between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, the positions advocated by Mitt Romney are far superior to those of Barack Obama.


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